
Showing posts from December, 2017

Pokémon Adventure Red Chapter Beta 13 Part 1 Up to Cinnabar Island

Name: Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter Remake from: Pokemon Fire Red version Remake by: Aethestode Source:  Click here! This game is based on the Pokémon Adventure/Special manga. The game follows the manga with added extras. The Kanto Region and Sevii Islands arc follow the manga closely while the storylines for the other regions are made up. ~Updated Graphics and Map~ ~Playable Red, Green, Blue and Yellow~ ~Character Customisation~ ~Character Mugshot~ ~Day and Night~ ~Multiple Regions ~New Battleground~ ~Following Pokemon~ ~Brand New Pokemon~ ~Additional Features~ Extra events and chapters. New music. Two rivals in the game. The level cap was raised to 255. New OWs for NPC. New Trainer Sprites. New scripts, events and secrets to discover. D/P/P Fonts and Textbox. Revamped Battle (Physical and Special Split). Reusable TM. New additional Pokemon Typing. EV and IV stat check. Much much much more waiting for you! Mega Evolution, Primal Reversion, Battle...

Pokemon Mega Power B5 Guide

Pokemon mega power b5 guide Main storyline Part 1: Delta Lab(Talk to assistant)--Plantain Path--Fescue City(Meet Kasper)--Plantain Path--Delta Lab(Talk to assistant)--Plantain Path--Smartweed Path--Crowfoot Village--Ferns Path--Mt. Burvine(Find assistants)--Ferns Path--Crowfoot Village--Smartweed Path--Plaintain Path--Delta Lab(Talk to assistant)--Plaintain Path--Fescue City(Meet a man)--Plaintain Path--Delta Lab(Talk to assistant)----Adjust the clock and go downstairs--Spirulina City(Talk to Amala and challenge the gym)--Enhalus Path--Crassipes Path--Sorrel Village--Fatsia Path--Cypress Forest--Fatsia Path--Fescue City(Gym)--Plaintain Path--Brambles Path--Fault Cave--Covellite Ruins(Talk to the scientists in the main chamber)--Fault Cave(Find Team Delta members)--Covellite Ruins--Cornflower Path--Narcissus Town(Beauty Contest Hall--Gym)--Cineraria Path--IVARA League(Talk to ???, fix the machine)--Dendrobium Path--Fluorescent Jungle--Chochicine City--Fluorescent Jungle--Primrose Path-...

Pokemon Mega Power Cheat Codes

Before copying Pokemon Mega Power Cheat Codes, we will give you the instructions to use them: Please sure that your GBA Emulator supports to enter Gameshark Codes. If not, please use VBA. Choose File > Open and load your Pokemon Emerald Origins ROM Save your game in VBA: File > Save Do you see “Cheats” menu? Then choose Cheat List… Click Gameshark and enter your codes. Please sure you know the uses of any codes you enter. Some codes need “Real Time Clock” to work. To active it in VBA, Options > Emulators > Check “Real Time Clock” Enjoy them. WalkThrough walls 7881A409 E2026E0C 8E883EFF 92E9660D WILD POKEMON MODIFYER CODES - Gameshark Mastercode: 00006FA7 000A 1006AF88 0007 wild pokemon modifyer: Ex: 83007CF6 0001 Cheat BULBASAUR 83007CF6  XXXX Similar to to the 'Obtain Any Item' code. Your must put the correct digits in place of the 'XXXX' to choose the species you want. There is a Pokemon digit list later in this section. ...